I am going to try to be as honest as possible when I review a book without being harsh. If I don't like it I will definitely tell you and if I love it I will gush about it. I want to make the reviews as clear as possible of what I liked about the book and what I didn't.
If you are an author, publisher, or publicist and you want to contact me to review a book I will only accept printed ARCs or printed final copies. I prefer Young Adult novels, and some Urban Fantasy. Please contact me by e-mail at SarahsShelf[at]gmail[dot]com. I do not own an eReader and I do not like reading books on my laptop as it is a hassle to take around with me to read. I will make exceptions for eBooks if I am very interested but that is at my discretion. If you send me a book to read I will try to read it as soon as possible and post a review, if you have specifications about the post date please tell me and I will post accordingly.I should have the book reviewed and posted within 30 days of receiving the book.