Friday, October 28, 2011

Follow & Feature Friday (2)

Follow Friday is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee View and Alison Can Read. Basically it is a way to gather followers and to check out some really cool book blogs. If you are interested in participating head on over to Parajunkee View or to Alison Can Read.

The question for this week:

If you could have dinner with your favorite book character,
who would you eat with and what would you serve?
I would have dinner with Anne from Persuasion by Jane Austen. She is my all-time favorite character from my most treasured book. I feel like I can relate to her very well. I'm not sure what to serve for dinner because I don't know any authentically English dishes but I do know we would have tea and finger sandwiches. 
Another character I would love to have dinner with would be Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. We would have Lamb stew with dried plums because it is her favorite food. She is an amazing character and I can't imagine having to go through everything she did through out the Trilogy. 

So which character would you eat dinner with and what would you serve?


  1. New follower!

    Anne would be great. I love that book :)

    Here's mine:

  2. Katniss would be very interesting to dine with! New follower :)

    Check out my current giveaway!

    My FF

  3. Katniss is a great choice! You're right, she went through so much throughout the trilogy that it would be really interesting to talk with her. New follower here!

    Jamie @ Bookerella

  4. Anne is one of the most underrated characters out there, and one of the most brilliant. I love her!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog for this week's hop. See you around!


  5. @Ems - I agree wholeheartedly and I am biased lol thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    @Jamie - I thought so too, and I didn't really see her on the FF's I checked.

    @Richard - Thank you for stopping by!

    @Librarysnake - I love Anne! Thanks for commenting!

  6. Hi Samantha! Thank you for visiting!

  7. First one I saw who picked Katniss from HG!

    New Follower!! <3

    The Book Heroine

  8. @The Book Heroine, I'm surprised more people didn't pick her because of the hype of the movie.

    Thank you for following!!
